Polish Culture

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There is a big group of Poles who love so called ‘sung poetry’. These are songs, very often poems to which music has been composed, that have deeper meaning than nowadays music. One of the bands that is very popular – since 25 years – is called Stare Dobre Malzenstwo.

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Agnes Holland is one of directors who gained recognition outside of Poland. Her last movie has been nominated to the Oscar awards. It is definitely worth recommending, especially that it depicts the real story of a group of Jews that went through Holocaust in Lvov. They hid in the sewers to save the

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There are some animated TV series that we all love to come back too. Bolek and Lolek is children cartoon from the times of my childhood. It is about adventures of two young brothers. As it does not contain polish dialogues, it was promoted also outside of Poland.

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It is one of the biggest Polish cities nowadays. Its development was especially based on industry. Although it seems to be a little bit forgotten or neglected by Polish tourist, one must remember that Lodz used to play an important function. After WW II it was announced temporary capital city of the

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Among all the Christmas recipes, we very often forgot about sweets that should also be served on Polish tables. Of course there is a variety of sweets to prepare, however, only few of them or typical for Christmas period. One of them is Kutia.