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g Low Carb Site

BellaOnline's Low Carb Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Low Carb Site! These are the top ten articles that your Low Carb Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. The Basics of Low Carb Diets
You may know a friend who lost a lot of weight on a low carb diet. You might have seen the books on TV or in your bookstore. Just how does a low carb diet work?

2. Low Carb - The First Two Days
Most low carb diets put special emphasis on the first two weeks, when you get used to eating in a more healthy manner. But those first two DAYS are the key - when you break your carb addiction!

3. The First Two Weeks
The Atkins diet calls this induction, and other low carb diets have other names for the first two weeks. In essence, this period is to get you used to your new lifestyle - emotionally, physically and psychologically.

4. First 2 Weeks Low Carb Food List
Are you starting out with your low carb diet - whether it´s Atkins, South Beach or another style? Here is a food list to get you through those first two weeks.

5. Low Carb Food List
When you´re first thinking about a low carb diet, you often want a safe Low Carb food list to work with. Here are suggestions for healthy, low carb foods to enjoy.

6. Fiber and Low Carb
Technically, fiber is a carbohydrate. Does that mean you should avoid fiber on a low carb diet? Not at all! Fiber is a CRITICAL component of every healthy diet.

7. Must Have Low Carb Basic Ingredients
If you´re on a low carb diet, there are certain items that you simply MUST have in your kitchen to be able to whip up quick and easy recipes. Here´s the list.

8. Must Have Low Carb Spice List
Are you stocking your low carb kitchen? Be sure to keep these herbs and spices in the fridge - you´ll be using them quite a bit!

9. Low Carb Breakfast Ideas
Looking to go on a low carb or Atkins diet? Here are ten great ideas for breakfasts, to start each day in a delicious way! Breakfast is a critical part of getting your metabolism rolling.

10. 10 Great Low Carb Office Lunch Tips
You´re on a low carb diet, and it´s doing wonders for your waist. But you need to stay low carb while you eat lunch at the office. Here are some tasty, great low carb lunches that can make your lunchtime healthy.

Be sure to visit the Low Carb Archives for all the articles!


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