Budweiser Select 55 Light Beer

Budweiser Select 55 Light Beer
Budweiser Select 55 provides a full 12 ounce serving size, and that has only 55 calories and 1.9g of carbs. How does this low carb beer taste?

Budweiser Select 55 Light Beer Budweiser is known as being a fairly light beer style. So the first comment is if you're seeking a heavy beer style, this probably isn't your flavor. But for those who enjoy a light style, something casual to sip while hanging out on the back porch with a bowl of nuts or olives, this does quite well. It's light, gentle, relaxing, with enough flavor to keep you interested.

They've really come a long way in making a beer that's low in carbs and calories. This one is fairly amazing at only 55 calories in the entire bottle. They don't even skimp by giving you an 11oz pour like some other beer makers do. That's for a normal sized 12oz container.

You get 1.9g of carbs - again, amazingly low for a beer. I give them a lot of credit for this. If you're the type who drinks two beers while watching a football game, and you simply cannot give that habit up, then this is the drink for you. If you're drinking more than two beers in a night, then I would recommend trying to whittle that down - you're causing yourself other insidious health problems with that kind of habit. It's one of those "you don't know what you've lost until it's gone" issues.

For other stats, there is under 1g of protein, and 0g of fat per serving. The alcohol level is 4% by volume.

Don't serve this (or any beer) at fridge temperature of mid-30s. That's too cold for your taste buds to appreciate flavors. Let it warm up a bit, to the mid-40s, to get the correct flavors out of the beer.

While I'll praise Budweiser Select greatly on its carb / calorie levels, and think the taste is fine for its purpose, I do want to gripe about the container. They serve this in a clear bottle. I've done many tests over the years involving beer and skunking. A beer in a clear bottle gets skunky in an amazingly short 15 minutes in light. So just leaving the bottles on the table while you grab your hamburgers and ketchup could be enough to really alter the flavor of the beer. And then you blame the beer for the bad flavor, rather than realizing that the beer has been skunked.

So be aware of this issue. Keep your beer in the dark. Get one of those beer wraps which keeps it shaded and cold. If you're going to drink something with calories in it, you might as well enjoy it to its full potential!

Nutritional Summary:
Size: 12oz
Calories: 55
Carbs: 1.9g
Protein: <1g
Fat: 0.0g

Low Carb Beer Reviews – Low Carb ReferenceLow Carb Beer Reviews – Low Carb Reference
Beer is an integral part of many peoples' lives. How do you drink beer and maintain a low carb, healthy diet? This book provides beer reviews, tips, and ideas for losing weight while enjoying beer.

Low Carb Beer Reviews – Low Carb Reference - Full Details

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